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Submersed Plants

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Floating leaves are oval and the base tapers to and distinct petiole. The submersed leaves of this plant are often lance-like, and also taper to a long petiole. This plant generally has sparse leafing this is arranged alternately.

American Pondweed



This submersed weed with

broad oval leaves appears to be similar to Hydrilla. This plant contains 3 whorls in the leaves around the stem. whorls are compact near the growth tip with spacing between the whorls gradually increasing as you go down the stem.




Submersed leaves are oppositely arranged on the stem. The leaves are fan-shaped and dissected into many narrow segments.





Unlike the true pondweeds, This species has all leaves oppositely arranged on the stem. The fragile stem rises form a horizontal root. leaves are long and narrow with flattish seed attached to the stems at the base of the leaves. 

Horned Pondweed

Zannichellia Palustris

Thick, large stems and broad leaves aid in identification of Largeleaf pondweed. The submerged leaves appear wavy and taper toward the stem. Floating leaves are egg shaped. Rarely is this pondweed found branching. 





This native species of milfoil has a hollow stem with whorled leaves at intervals along the entire length of the plant. This entire plant is submerged with exception of a tiny stalk of flowers that may extend above the water surface.

Northern Watermilfoil

Myriophyllum sibiricum

The underwater stem forms a dense tuft at its tip and resembles a soft bottlebrush. As the stem reaches the surface it changes its growth pattern to become a stout emergent flower-spike carrying a different type of leaf. The plant can form dense growth, rooting from stem fragments.

Variable-leaf Watermilfoil

Myriophyllum heterophyllum

Appearing extremely leafy at the tip dupe to frequent branching, Claspingleaf can be easily confused with Curlyleaf Pondweed. Claspingleaf has leaves with smooth edges and a wide base that wraps around the stem almost completely.

Claspingleaf Pondweed



An aggressive plant, this exotic milfoil can grow nearly 10 feet in length forming dense mats at the water surface. This plant quickly out competes native species. Identifying features include a pattern of 4 leaves whorled around a hollow stem and feathery in appearance.





Stem large and conspicuously flattened. Leaves ribbon-like and extended upwards from flattened surface of stem. 





These underwater leaves are thin-textured and flimsy, Their edges often wavy or rippling. Submersed leaves are linear lanceshaped, tapering at both ends, and up to 8" long; a leaf stalk may be present, to 2" lond, or absent. Plants are found in water to 15ft deep.

Illinois Pondweed



Naiads are annual plants, growing from seed each year, and can form dense, bushy masses by midsummer. The edges may or may not appear spiny and the leaf tips taper to a fine point.

Illinois Pondweed



Plants are bushy in appearance with narrow thread-like leaves alternately arranged on the stem. Nutlets are (a small nut) are arranged like beads spaced like beads spaced on a string and emerge from the water.

Sago Pondweed

Stuckenia Pectinatus

This submersed plant can form thick beds and dominate an area. The grass like leaves have a distinctive pattern used to identify the plant. Flaccid when out of the water, the foliage occurs in tufts, much like turf grass. 

Wild Celery

Valisneria americana

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